The Process

Buying a property

5 steps to buying a property through a self-administered pension


the Deal


the Deal


the Deal


the Deal


the Deal

A guide to your Zero Tax Property journey

Initial Consultation

An initial, no-obligation consultation is arranged between you and one of Zero Tax Property’s experienced Advisors to establish the viability of the process, specific to your circumstances.


Once the roadmap has been determined at the initial consultation, the Zero Tax Property team begin the implementation of your bespoke plan.

Set-Up the Structure

The expert Zero Tax Property team work with you to structure your account into the appropriate pension format to enable acquisition of your property.

Find The Property

Working with our property partners, we source the right property, at the right price, with the right yield for you.

Fund The Property

Using equity in your retirement account (plus any borrowings from specialist lenders, that may be applicable), Zero Tax Property acquire the chosen property.

The KEY point for you here is that your pension fund owns the KEY to the property. Zero Tax Property does not own or control your money or the property

Completing The Purchase

Zero Tax Property will work closely with you and relevant third parties (legal teams, quantity surveyors, refurbishment experts, specialist lenders, etc.) to expedite the completion of the purchase.

Finalise Cashflow

Zero Tax Property will then on-board your tenants and ensure cashflow starts passively accumulating in your retirement account.

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*Not all Pension Structures are applicable to Zero Tax Property. If you have a civil service pension scheme, unfortunately, we cannot help you. If you are in a current pension scheme whereby your employer is contributing to your fund, we may not be able to help you